Java Asm' title='Java Asm' />Download asm3. MethodWriter. class org. Opcodes. class org. Type. class org. Home asm3. Opcodes javadoc. the xLOAD and xSTORE opcodes are automatically replaced by. NoClassDefFoundError orgobjectwebasmCodeVisitorSpringAOPlib asm2. Get NoClassDefFoundError orgobjectwebasmOpcodes. Opcodes STDERR. usrsharejavaantlrall. DEBUG1 freemind. Showing 8 changed files with 183 additions and 128 deletions. Hook ManagersrctkwurstclienthooksPrototype. Java. lang. NoClassDefFoundError orgobjectwebasmCodeVisitojava. NoClassDefFoundError orgobjectwebasmCodeVisitorSpringAOP. Opcodesorg. objectweb. Opcodes javadoc. All Known Implementing Classes Basic. Interpreter, Analyzer, Source. Interpreter, Advice. Download com. springsource. Jar File Download. Problem. In Hibernate development, it hits java. ClassNotFoundException org. Type Solution. This is caused by the missing of asm. Clone via HTTPS Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repositorys web address. CN8.jpg' alt='Objectweb Asm' title='Objectweb Asm' />Spring Asm Jar DownloadAdapter, ASMContent. Handler, Code. Size. Evaluator, Basic. Verifier, BFCompiler, JSRInliner. Adapter, Simple. Verifier. Defines the JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes. This interface. does not define all the JVM opcodes because some opcodes are automatically. Font Frutiger Lt Std. For example, the x. LOAD and x. STORE opcodes are automatically replaced. LOADn and x. STOREn opcodes when possible. The x. LOADn and x. STOREn. opcodes are therefore not defined in this interface. Likewise for LDC. LDCW or LDC2W when necessary, WIDE, GOTOW and. JSRW. author Eric Brunetonauthor Eugene Kuleshov. Field Summary int. V11 int. V12 int. V13 int. V14 int. V15 int. V16 int. ACCPUBLIC int. ACCPRIVATE int. ACCPROTECTED int. ACCSTATIC int. ACCFINAL int. ACCSUPER int. ACCSYNCHRONIZED int. ACCVOLATILE int. ACCBRIDGE int. ACCVARARGS int. ACCTRANSIENT int. ACCNATIVE int. Solidworks Texture Files'>Solidworks Texture Files. ACCINTERFACE int. ACCABSTRACT int. ACCSTRICT int. ACCSYNTHETIC int. ACCANNOTATION int. ACCENUM int. ACCDEPRECATED int. TBOOLEAN int. TCHAR int. TFLOAT int. TDOUBLE int. TBYTE int. TSHORT int. TINT int. TLONG int. FNEW Represents an expanded frame. See Class. ReaderEXPANDFRAMES. FFULL Represents a compressed frame with complete frame data. FAPPEND Represents a compressed frame where locals are the same as the locals in. FCHOP Represents a compressed frame where locals are the same as the locals in. FSAME Represents a compressed frame with exactly the same locals as the. FSAME1 Represents a compressed frame with exactly the same locals as the. Integer. TOP Integer. INTEGER Integer. Mask Pro 4.1 Full. FLOAT Integer. DOUBLE Integer. LONG Integer. NULL Integer. UNINITIALIZEDTHIS int. NOP int. ACONSTNULL int. ICONSTM1 int. ICONST0 int. ICONST1 int. ICONST2 int. ICONST3 int. ICONST4 int. ICONST5 int. LCONST0 int. LCONST1 int. FCONST0 int. FCONST1 int. FCONST2 int. DCONST0 int. DCONST1 int. BIPUSH int. SIPUSH int. LDC int. ILOAD int. LLOAD int. FLOAD int. DLOAD int. ALOAD int. IALOAD int. LALOAD int. FALOAD int. DALOAD int. AALOAD int. BALOAD int. CALOAD int. SALOAD int. ISTORE int. LSTORE int. FSTORE int. DSTORE int. ASTORE int. IASTORE int. LASTORE int. FASTORE int. DASTORE int. AASTORE int. BASTORE int. CASTORE int. SASTORE int. POP int. POP2 int. DUP int. DUPX1 int. DUPX2 int. DUP2 int. DUP2X1 int. DUP2X2 int. SWAP int. IADD int. LADD int. FADD int. DADD int. ISUB int. LSUB int. FSUB int. DSUB int. IMUL int. LMUL int. FMUL int. DMUL int. IDIV int. LDIV int. FDIV int. DDIV int. IREM int. LREM int. FREM int. DREM int. INEG int. LNEG int. FNEG int. DNEG int. ISHL int. LSHL int. ISHR int. LSHR int. IUSHR int. LUSHR int. IAND int. LAND int. IOR int. LOR int. IXOR int. LXOR int. IINC int. I2. L int. I2. F int. I2. D int. L2. I int. L2. F int. L2. D int. F2. I int. F2. L int. F2. D int. D2. I int. D2. L int. D2. F int. I2. B int. I2. C int. I2. S int. LCMP int. FCMPL int. FCMPG int. DCMPL int. DCMPG int. IFEQ int. IFNE int. IFLT int. IFGE int. IFGT int. IFLE int. IFICMPEQ int. IFICMPNE int. IFICMPLT int. IFICMPGE int. IFICMPGT int. IFICMPLE int. IFACMPEQ int. IFACMPNE int. GOTO int. JSR int. RET int. TABLESWITCH int. LOOKUPSWITCH int. IRETURN int. LRETURN int. FRETURN int. DRETURN int. ARETURN int. RETURN int. GETSTATIC int. PUTSTATIC int. GETFIELD int. PUTFIELD int. INVOKEVIRTUAL int. INVOKESPECIAL int. INVOKESTATIC int. INVOKEINTERFACE int. NEW int. NEWARRAY int. ANEWARRAY int. ARRAYLENGTH int. ATHROW int. CHECKCAST int. INSTANCEOF int. MONITORENTER int. MONITOREXIT int. MULTIANEWARRAY int. IFNULL int.